The Community Health Advocacy (CHA) program is a partnership between OSF HealthCare and UIC aimed at developing solutions to health challenges in urban communities. We are looking for new tools, techniques, and processes that remove barriers to care, enhance health and wellness education, and leverage technology to improve training and community outreach. The program is open to all UIC faculty and health care providers of OSF HealthCare.
Proposals must identify two co-investigators: one faculty member from UIC and one health care provider at OSF HealthCare. Selected projects will receive one year of funding up to $75,000 with the option to reapply for additional funding after the project is successfully completed.
For more information on project criteria and focus areas, please visit:
Looking for a collaborator? If you need help finding a collaborator, please complete the online form here:
For a list of required fields within the application, click here.
For budget template and example, click here.
Official Statement on Resident and Fellow Participation in IAI
For all other questions or concerns, email us at or
Community Health Advocacy: UIC
The Community Health Advocacy (CHA) program is a partnership between OSF HealthCare and UIC aimed at developing solutions to health challenges in urban communities. We are looking for new tools, techniques, and processes that remove barriers to care, enhance health and wellness education, and leverage technology to improve training and community outreach. The program is open to all UIC faculty and health care providers of OSF HealthCare.
Proposals must identify two co-investigators: one faculty member from UIC and one health care provider at OSF HealthCare. Selected projects will receive one year of funding up to $75,000 with the option to reapply for additional funding after the project is successfully completed.
For more information on project criteria and focus areas, please visit:
Looking for a collaborator? If you need help finding a collaborator, please complete the online form here:
For a list of required fields within the application, click here.
For budget template and example, click here.
Official Statement on Resident and Fellow Participation in IAI
For all other questions or concerns, email us at or